Psychology TWDK Psychology doodle by Giles Meakin

Psychology is the science of human thought, experience, and behavior. The brain is poorly understood and hugely complex, so psychologists apply a huge range of methods to try to understand it better. Psychology can be the study of individual neurons in the brain, individual people, small networks or large groups.

Psychologists aim to understand how humans think, feel and understand the world. Knowing this will allow us to help those suffering from brain-related illnesses. These principles can also be applied in business or organisations to help them function more effectively- it is easy to forget that businesses are made up of people, and people don’t always behave in the way you expect them to!

We've published 22 articles and 20 specialist blog posts about psychology so far, featuring 277 unanswered psychology questions! But we're not done yet as there are still plenty of ongoing psychology research areas to write about, so come back soon!

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First patient in UK tests new treatment for loss of sense of smell
15th February, 2025
Chrissi Kelly, who says anosmia is a ‘like a bereavement’, is trialling a simple procedure that could help those who lost sense of smell during Covid or other viral infections
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AI Is Supposed to Make You More Productive — It’s Making You Dumber and Overconfident
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Generative AI is supposed to make life easier. It drafts emails, summarizes documents, and even generates creative content, helping you offload some of
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Many birds-of-paradise species emit light through their plumage, study finds
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Researchers found that most birds-of-paradise are biofluorescent – meaning they absorb light through their bodies
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Music Acts as a Painkiller — But You Have to Listen at Your Internal Tempo
10th February, 2025
Music tailored to your internal tempo may offer the best pain relief, study finds.

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Image credit: Photo courtesy of sparrow via Pexels
Foetal and maternal sleep
Pregnancy is associated with more and poorer sleep and some women have bizarre and vivid dreams.
Image credit: RyanMcGuire (CC0 Public Domain via Pixabay)
Perinatal mental health
Pregnancy is a time of great vulnerability, so it may come as no surprise that mental health conditions are higher for women on average around pregnancy (including during and just after) than any other time.
Image credit: ©Nuremberg Chronicle, by Hartmann Schedel (1440-1514) via Wikipedia Commons
Scientists are very interested in twins because it helps us identify the differences between genetic and environmental factors that influence health and behaviour.
Image credit: ©Rowena Fletcher-Wood
Can the toxoplasma gondii parasite change our personalities, behaviours and who we're attracted to?
Image credit: Public Domain via Alexas_Fotos (Pixabay)
What is time? We can measure it in terms of regular events like the Earth moving round the sun, but it can change with perspective, known in relativity as time dilation, and depends upon our perspective.
Image credit: ©
The disease COVID-19, caused coronavirus, was thought to originate from a seafood market in China, and be 10,000 years old... but it may come from elsewhere and be millions of years older.

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Our latest psychology blog posts

Our blog posts focus on a specialist topic.
Many are written by scientists about their ongoing research, others by the TWDK team.

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Co-sleeping: time to talk
Thursday 17th of March 2022
TWDK red science flask
Out-of-body experiences
Tuesday 27th of October 2020
TWDK red science flask
The speed of time
Thursday 13th of August 2020
TWDK red science flask
Isolation and the Brain
Monday 3rd of August 2020
TWDK red science flask
TWDK red science flask
Categorising Things is “Evil”
Thursday 21st of May 2020
More blog posts about psychology...

Delve deeper into Psychology

Can't find what you're looking for? Browse the branches of psychology that interest you most.

TWDK magnifying glassAbnormal Psychology is the study of psychological conditions such as depression and schizophrenia.

TWDK magnifying glassAnthropology looks at the history of our species - how we evolved and the development of culture and societies around the world.

TWDK magnifying glassBehavioral Neuroscience investigates how the brain creates behaviours and experiences.

TWDK magnifying glassCognitive Psychology is the study of how internal mental processes work.

TWDK magnifying glassComparative Psychology looks at how animals and humans differ in the way they behave and react to the world.

TWDK magnifying glassDevelopmental Psychology follows the brain changes that occur as a baby grows, and examines at what stage certain abilities develop.

TWDK magnifying glassEducational Psychology attempts to apply our understanding of learning and memory to a classroom setting, to improve education for everyone.

TWDK magnifying glassEvolutionary Psychology investigates which aspects of our psychology have developed due to evolutionary pressures.

TWDK magnifying glassForensic Psychology applies psychological understanding to legal situations.

TWDK magnifying glassMedia Psychology looks at how we use the media, and the effects it might have on us.

TWDK magnifying glassMedical Psychology uses psychology to help patients and to treat illnesses, whether of the brain or the body.

TWDK magnifying glassPersonality Psychology examines the differences between individuals’ personalities, and what causes them

TWDK magnifying glassSocial Psychology explores how societies work, and how the behaviour of others can influence an individual.

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